
Trinity College - The Best School


The Mission

Trinity College is an institution that will provide a balanced general education to all its students to assist them to develop all of their
abilities. We will nurture spirituality and integrity and promote the pursuit of academic excellence and healthy lifestyles in the young
people in our charge. Our aim is for all of our students to become culturally aware, socially conscious and lifelong learners.



1 – Intellectual & Cultural Development

OBJECTIVES - Provide opportunities to:
1. Encourage research and cooperation in the search for knowledge.
2. Encourage creativity and entrepreneurship.
3. Develop appreciation and care for the environment.
4. Develop critical and analytical thinking skills.
5. Foster love for learning for its own sake.
6. Develop self-discipline, self-confidence and self-approval
7. Develop an appreciation of literature, music and art.
8. Develop an appreciation for our cultural heritage.


2 – Spiritual, Social, Moral & Emotional Development

OBJECTIVES – Provide conditions and / or advice which help the student to:
1. Develop a respect for religious values and practices.
2. Develop a positive self-image.
3. Reconcile ambitions with his / her aptitude.
4. Reconcile his/her ideals and obstacles to them.
5. Aspire to do his/her best in all endeavours.
6. Practice his/her religious beliefs.
7. Understand the relevance of the school’s programme to him/her and the community.
8. Develop honest and spontaneous emotional responses in an acceptable manner.
9. Develop a tolerance and respect for the rights and views of others.
10. Develop and practice respect for the property of others and for public property.
11. Develop leadership skills.
12. Develop a sense of loyalty and responsibility.
13. Develop moral values and resolve moral issues.
14. Mix and interact with his/her colleagues and schoolmates in an acceptable manner,
15. Accept a moral responsibility to help the sick, needy, disabled, aged or helpless.
16. Develop healthy social and moral habits.
17. Respect laws and regulations and the methods to change them.
18. Acquire the etiquette for formal and informal events.
19. Become aware that the school provides them with genuine equality of opportunity.


3 – Physical Development

OBJECTIVES - Provide opportunities for the student to:
1. Develop dexterity.
2. Develop healthy bodies, co-ordination and balance.
3. Appreciate the relationship between good health and one’s ability to function.
4. Develop neat penmanship, tidy written work, accurate measurement and drawing.
5. Develop poise and bearing which are pleasing.